When you wish upon a
Your dreams will take you very far
But, when you wish upon a dream
Life ain't always what it seems, oh yeah
What'd you see in night so clear
In the sky so very dear
You're a shining star
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you could truly be
Shining star come in to view
Shine its star watchful light on you
Gives you strength to carry on
Makes your body big and strong oh yeah
So, if you find yourself in need
Why don't you listen to these words of heed
Be a child that's free of sin
Words of wisdom
Yes I can
You're a shining star
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you could truly be
Shining star for you to see
What your life could truly be
Shining star for you to see
What your life could truly be
Přehled komentářů
cau hano chci byt taky jako ty prijet do cezke republiky
(ivca, 30. 9. 2009 18:49)
Hanno já tě mám ráda ale mamka mi nechce nic koupit gde seš ti.
Respect dance crew Ostrava-Dubina
(Marketa Dangova, 29. 9. 2009 16:31)ahojte!mate radi TANEC???ja mooooooooccccccc!!!!!!!!:D
hello hannah montana
(terzka, 29. 9. 2009 15:04)mam tve dvd hannah montana the movie...mam te upa.aasseemm ttvvaa ffaanniinnkkaa ahoj odepis
Hello Hannah Montana
(Kajullkaaa, 28. 9. 2009 15:06)Mam tve plakaty upa vsude...mam dokonce i dvd hannah montana the movie...mam te upa mooc rada..
(Miley, 26. 9. 2009 11:03)Hello you childern. Koncert in Czech Republik will not, by reason that I don't have dole. I be sorry. But I compliments to you!!! Miley Cyrus
pane bože
(wicki, 20. 9. 2009 18:49)lidi to není opravdová hannah montana protože ona na tyto stránky nečte!
pro hannu montanu
(kata a pata, 20. 9. 2009 16:12)ahoj hanno montano ja a moje kamoska pata te obdevojeme ale rekni nam kde si vzala tak nadherny hlas?krasne zpivas a budes mít někdy vystouipení v ceské republice? chteli bysme te videt na vlastni oci.do anglie se nedostaneme asi nikdy.prosim prijed aspon do prahy.posli nam texty pisni:who said a best of both worlds.diky.kata a pata.
hannah montana
(laura, 18. 9. 2009 12:03)chtěla bich se tě na něco zeptat jak si udelala tak abi si bila hvjězdou odepiš
(andrea, 17. 9. 2009 18:40)ahoj zbožnuju te, mám tvuj časopis 123.Líbí se mi jak zpíváš
si nej kamoska
(terka, 1. 10. 2009 14:48)